Aarn Tate has spent 30 years perfecting a new concept in load carrying - the Flow Bodypack. The key is counter-balancing the load or the lightweight day pack in front and behind and harness systems that facilitate full body movement. The back portion of Aarn Bodypacks optimize slim side profiles, low pack weight and full torso length backpanels to keep the load as close to the back as possible. The front portion of the Bodypack is either a pair of Balance Pockets or a single Balance Bag. Packed with your heaviest items, these remove all leverages on your back from your pack and bring your posture as close to upright as possible. Patented Flow systems allow natural body movement under load. The Aarn daypack for women and men overcomes the inherent flaws in traditional backpacks.
By splitting the load of the daypacks for travel or hiking into front and rear compartments, we reduce the height of the backpack above the shoulders for big loads, and we bring the center of gravity of the load forward and downwards to match that of the body (horizontally and vertically). Most of the load can now be taken off your shoulders and spine and transferred evenly around your pelvis - the most suitable bone structure in the body for load carrying. The load on the front of the daypack for both women and men is carried in pockets with a gap in between so that you can see your feet as you walk. The resulting Flow Bodypack is the first practical, high-efficiency load carrying system that maintains the natural curve of the spine. As well as overcoming the disadvantages of backpacks, Aarn Bodypacks also overcome the disadvantages of traditional load carrying systems: the instability and balancing problems of head supported loads, and the forward lean and the need for strong neck and back musculature when using tumplines. This lightweight day pack will soon become your favorite for all of your outdoor adventures.
Generally the front compartments of our Bodypacks are a smaller volume than the back compartment to maintain good forward visibility. Pack your heaviest and most compact items in front and your light bulky items behind to achieve the upright posture. Pack your lightest gear at the top of the pack to lower the center of gravity for the greatest fluidity of movement.
Check out our line of daypacks for women and men on our website.